About Us


Universal Peace Foundation

More than 23 years ago, this journey was started by one Guruji Shivathma as a single man on a toughest road with sheer determination, strong commitment and clear mission to save the abandoned and lost souls and transform their life and give them their impounded social status. He rescued one old lady from the road in a very bad shape and brought her to his home and started to take care for her. Way back he named the one-room-home as Universal Peace Foundation. Now he is the beloved Guruji for around 640 souls inside the home.
Universal Peace Foundation was started in 2003 at Annur, Coimbatore on a patch of parched dry land. Now UPF is an ISO/DBS certified non-profit, non-governmental organization standing so firmly as an Integrated Home housing ten different homes under one roof like home for abandoned senior citizens, home for destitute children and women, home for visually impaired, home for physically challenged, home for mentally ill and home for mentally retarded athmas. From birth to death UPF is generously giving free food, free accommodation, free education, free medical treatment, free marriages and free business opportunities and at last free and honourable samathi for all its inmates for the past 23 years.

Other than this, UPF is involved in lot of social activities like tree planting in the surrounding 27 villages, social forestry, spiritual services like conducting yoga, meditation, pranayama, dhyana and Vipasana. UPF is helping aspiring students from the surrounding villages by giving exceptional free education, free vocational training on Computer education, driving, electrical, plumbing, fashion designing, tailoring, gardening etc., Every month volunteers and trainers are going to tribal areas and help the tribals in education, vocational training and women empowerment camps, medical camps, meditation and yoga related activities.

Our Vision and Mission:
UPF has sworn to take the responsibility to create a community where all abandoned children, senior citizens, specially and differently abled people will have an integrated, happy, peaceful and harmoniously dignified life and prove the society that they are the most valuable, responsible, eligible, intelligent and capable citizens like others. UPF envisioned to make all the abandoned and orphaned people to have a very respectable position and status in the society and be personally fulfilled in their life.
Future Missions:
  • To establish an international standard Rehabilitation Centre with multi-specialty facilities under one roof for all destitute and abandoned people of all ages.
  • To establish an international school for special and guided education for the specially and differently abled children irrespective of their social and economic status.
  • To set up integrated vocational training on trades suitable for tribal people in all their tribal locations and provide them a good social status.
  • To establish an integrated facility for lepers and provide them the best care they need.
  • To promote the practice of Siddha System of Medical Treatment and Services to give emphasis on natural and alternative medicine
  • To conduct awareness programs all over India to proclaim that children with disabilities, mentally challenged people, senior citizens and transgenders are not outcast but valuable individuals and insist for a decent life for them

What people say about our


Now I am 77 years old. I lost my husband when I was 21. My son was all that I had in my life. He was my love and life. I toiled very hard to raise him up. I donated one of my kidneys for him when his kidney failed. He got married and has children. But since I could not able to help him anymore and in any ways, he took me one day for a long trip to some place in North India. He asked me to sit in a railway station and said that he will go and buy tea for me. But he never returned. I was sitting at the railway station without knowing the language and the people. My son made me a beggar that day. Then I understood that there are lot more people in this world much better than my son. I was a beggar for more than two years and some how I came to this place. I am very happy here. They provide me food, accommodation, treatment and above all – they gave me a good and a big family. Now I am living happily here with my 72 sons, 12 grand children and 100 plus sisters. Life is so good now and I forgot all my bitter past – and my son as well.

Let us work together to make a difference,
became a Volunteer

Highlight of Special Service

UPF- has developed a community of 40 mentally challenged people in its campus and carried out extensive research on their life and behaviour. Based on this proper training is given to them. Now they have learned to do their work and disciplined to carry out their tasks and move decently with others. The great achievement is that the cattle shed of the Home with 30 cows is completely managed and maintained very neatly by all these mentally challenged people without any assistance. UPF is also in the process of requesting research assistance from Mental Retardation-Rehabilitation Council of India and National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped for further extended studies.