Message From Guruji


Universal Peace Foundation

It is indeed great to know that India has been ranked 3rd in the world in Science and Technological Development. India has been positioned among the top 5 nations in space science exploration. Economic Survey taken in 2022 shows that GERD of India stands at 0.66% of GDP. India stands on the top in IT products export. India has developed its pharma sector to reach 3rd place in the world.
At the same time, it is heart rendering to note the recent survey which shows that there are 2.12 million homeless people in India and around 5,00,000 children are still living on the streets today. The recent estimate shows that there are around 35 million orphaned and abandoned children in India. Lancet study states that there are around 20 lakh children were abandoned between March 2020 to October 2021 due to COVID-19 alone. 18 million homeless senior citizens and there are 13 lakhs differently abled people in India.
While India is moving ahead towards new developments, around 92 million abandoned people are fighting for one single loaf of bread. Our life has become so small and we are working like bees. Now a days 15 hour working has become very common and working from home culture has made man to spend 90% of his life inside four walls. We have become very busy even to spend some time with our parents and children at last with our grand-parents.
While running like a rat, we sometimes see an abandoned old man or a child laying helplessly at the side of the streets. We only feel pity for their predicament and the next second we run again to catch up with our tight schedule. Only very few people stop for a second to share a loaf of bread to those in distress.
Recent calamities like earth quake, floods and COVID-19 have proved that so many richest people become homeless in few minutes. Skyscrapers scrambled down to sand within few seconds. People were dying like flies during the past few years. This might happen to anyone at any time.
Life is so short and very unpredictable. We are still holding a meager amount of humanity inside us. We do not have to spend our whole life to save the poor, but we can spend few minutes to think about them and help them. We do not need to renounce our wealth for the benefit of those abandoned. But we can at least spend ten rupees to buy some biscuits to a beggar.
When you show some love or compassion for an abandoned old man, when you give a biscuit to a crying hungry child, you are moving one step closer to God. Because God is a free soul and never lives in any temple or churches or mosques. God will be sitting outside the temple as a beggar, but we always avoid Him and get into the vacant temple complex searching for Him.
The true prayer is the soulful service to the abandoned. Only through this prayer we can reach God, because no mandra is greater than the help or the food you offer to the poor.
I humbly request you to take a second to stop your busiest life and think about the God who is sitting next to you as an abandoned and lost soul. Help Him and He will bless you in multifold.